A Notepad that literally sits next to your work.

Currently in public beta

Available for Chrome soon

How to install and setup the extension

Head over to the [Chrome webstore](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/underlineme-highlighter-f/bfgkgjjcgcfdjdcdcicnekhhldinkkhk) and install the UnderlineMe extension After install, the login page should open automatically. From here, login into the extension or create a new account. Once you've logged in, right click on the jigsaw icon on the toolbar and click on the pin icon next to UnderlineMe. This will make it easier to access UnderlineMe while browsing.

500+ Stunning Landscape Pictures

Head over to the Chrome webstore and install the UnderlineMe extension

After install, the login page should open automatically. From here, login into the extension or create a new account.

Once you've logged in, right click on the jigsaw icon on the toolbar and click on the pin icon next to UnderlineMe. This will make it easier to access UnderlineMe while browsing.